Things To Consider When Moving Into An RV Full Time

Posted on: 25 March 2017

Leaving your home behind and making the move to living full time in an RV may not be for everyone, but to some, it is extremely appealing. The freedom to roam and travel around the country, seeing all the places that interest you, can be a great way of life -- but it comes with some compromises. Before leaving everything behind and moving into your RV full time, there are some things you need to consider.

How Much Space Do You Need

For most people, the biggest change when moving into an RV full time is the space. If you are moving out of a house or apartment, you more than likely have furnishings and other belongs that you will just not have space for in the RV. Make a list of must-have items and try to imagine where they will go when you start looking at RVs at a retailer like Fretz RV. You want to get one with enough space that you can live comfortably, but don't expect to be able to move everything you own in and hit the road. You will have to find just the right RV to fit your needs, but since they are getting bigger and bigger these days, it will be easier now than it would have been twenty years ago.

Making Money On The Road

If you are retired and living on a pension, making money might not be a big deal, but for younger people, this lifestyle requires you to have a job that will go with you. Freelance photography, writing, or online customer service jobs can all be great options. Another option is to take jobs in different areas as you travel. There are many jobs available in RV parks and campgrounds every year that sometimes come with a free place to park your RV in exchange for work on the grounds or in the office. If you search the internet, there are even websites with listings dedicated to this kind of work where you can search and apply for your next job before you hit the road.

Mail and Communications

Even though you are living a mobile life, you will need to have a place to receive mail and other important communications. There are services located around the country that will receive your mail and give you a physical address that you can call home. Most of these services will send you your mail on request at whatever location you are, and once a year you can pull in there, spend a few weeks, then qualify to register your rig in that state. These "home bases" are critical to someone living the nomadic lifestyle, so take a look around for one located in your state of choice so you have a place to call home.


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